y passion for prospecting and mining happened at a very young age when I was introduced to Drywashing in the California Desert outside of Randsburg, I was 5.
As time went on and I had the opportunities to travel to other countries in search of gold I began to realize that the amount of practical experience and knowledge I had accumulated was at every turn making me a better Prospector and Miner. It also created a great desire to help others.
I have always believed that you cannot keep what you are not willing to give. One of the ways that I give back to an industry that has been my life is training and conducting GPAA Seminars across the United States. Over the last seven years I have attended all but two GPAA shows hosting seminars on everything from the basics of geology to advanced metal detecting techniques that will force you to get out of the box and on to the gold.
But more important is that in the last few years, I have taken on the task of finding others that share my passion for helping you become a better prospector and small-scale miner during gold shows and events.
Please check out the events section below and join me and others that are devoted to our profession, willing to share with you our knowledge to help you in achieving your goals out there in the dirt or in the water.
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